Eucalyptus ovata var. ovata

Image by: Kevin Sparrow
A fast growing upright gum between 8 - 25 metres tall with a moderately dense canopy. It has rough dark bark which sheds in ribbons from the upper truck and branches leaving a smooth greyish surface. Flowers are white and clustered together. The adult leaves are glossy and oval shaped with wavy edges. This tree will grow on poorly drained clay or alluvial soil near watercourses or swamps and sometimes on slightly drier, undulating hillsides. It prefers sands and clays of swampy flats and poorly drained slopes and hollows and is able to withstand flooding for several months. It will also grow on well drained sites.
3+m Flowering Time
- Autumn
- Winter
- Spring
Plant Origin
Local Native Maintenance
- Low
- Sun
Water Requirement
Low, MediumTolerates
- Heavy and Clay soil
- Sandy Soil
- Acidic Soils
- Some Coastal Exposure
Biodiversity Benefits
- Birds
- Nectar and Pollen
Natural Occurence
Vic/NSW/SA/Tas Bush Tucker Plant