Banksia speciosa
Image by: Kevin Sparrow
This banksia has very prominent cream to pale yellow cylindrical flower spikes up to 12 centimetres long with grey green leaves that fan out in a circular configuration from the flower, creating an interesting pattern. This plant has a rounded habit and grows between three and five metres tall. It grows best is very well drained soil in full to part sun, will tolerate some coastal exposure and makes a good hedge or screen plant. The flowers of this banksia are often used in the cut flower market and will attract nectar eating birds, bees, insects and butterflies.
3+m Flowering Time
- Summer
- Autumn
Plant Origin
Native Maintenance
- Low
- Sun
Water Requirement
- Heavy and Clay soil
- Sandy Soil
- Lime / Alkaline Soil
- Dry conditions
- Some Coastal Exposure
Biodiversity Benefits
- Birds
- Butterfly Attracting
- Nectar and Pollen
Natural Occurence
WA Bush Tucker Plant