Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. viminalis

Image by: Kevin Sparrow
A straight tall growing gum between 25 - 50metres tall with rough bark on the lower part of the trunk and at the base of larger branches. Bark peels off in ribbons during summer to reveal a smooth white trunk. The leaves are narrow and weeping in habit whilst the small flowers are cream coloured and usually form in a cluster of three. This tree prefers moist, well-drained alluvial soils near watercourses but also occurs on drier sites at higher levels and will tolerate most soils in full sun.
3+m Flowering Time
- Summer
- Autumn
Plant Origin
Local Native Maintenance
- Low
- Sun
Water Requirement
- Heavy and Clay soil
- Sandy Soil
- Acidic Soils
- Some Coastal Exposure
Biodiversity Benefits
- Birds
Natural Occurence
Vic/NSW/Tas Bush Tucker Plant