Westringia fruiticosa

Image by: Kevin Sparrow
A fast growing small shrub with dense grey green rosemary like leaves that are velvety white underneath, which produces masses of small white to mauve flowers and grows up to two metres tall. It prefers well drained soils in a full sun posiiton, will tolerate dry periods once established and coastal conditions. It is useful for edge planting, on embankments, as a low hedge and can also be grown in containers.
1-2m Flowering Time
- Spring
Plant Origin
Native Maintenance
- Low
- Part Shade
- Sun
Water Requirement
- Dry conditions
- Full Coastal Exposure
- Heavy and Clay soil
- Sandy Soil
- Some Coastal Exposure
Biodiversity Benefits
- Birds
- Butterfly Attracting
- Nectar and Pollen
Natural Occurence
NSW Bush Tucker Plant