Acacia melanoxylon

Image by: Kevin Sparrow
A fast growing large upright tree with dark brown hard fissured bark and dense dull green foliage that grows 5 - 20 metres tall. Short clusters of pale yellow to cream ball-shaped flowerheads appear from August to October. It prefers moist fertile soils in full or partial sun and once established will tolerate drier conditions but may remain smaller. It can be used as a shade, screening or habitat tree and will attract birds and is a food plant for caterpillars.
3+m Flowering Time
- Winter
- Spring
Plant Origin
Local Native Maintenance
- Low
- Sun
- Part Shade
Water Requirement
- Heavy and Clay soil
- Sandy Soil
- Lime / Alkaline Soil
- Acidic Soils
- Dry conditions
- Some Coastal Exposure
Biodiversity Benefits
- Birds
- Butterfly Attracting
Natural Occurence
Vic/NSW/SA/Tas/Qld Bush Tucker Plant