Acacia mearnsii

Image by: Kevin Sparrow
A fast growing open tree with olive green ferny leaves, smooth dark bark and highly perfumed pale yellow flowerheads from September to December. It prefers well drained soils and will grow in full sun to dappled shade. It should be noted however that borer attack can cause branches to break in high wind and a shorter life span so it should be planted away from target areas.
2-3m Flowering Time
- Spring
Plant Origin
Local Native Maintenance
- Low
- Sun
- Part Shade
Water Requirement
- Heavy and Clay soil
- Sandy Soil
- Lime / Alkaline Soil
- Acidic Soils
- Dry conditions
- Some Coastal Exposure
Biodiversity Benefits
- Birds
- Butterfly Attracting
Natural Occurence
Vic/NSW/SA/Tas Bush Tucker Plant